Readying up for another shoot at Pole Athletes and it was time to prep a new lighting look.
Lorna is an asolute powerhouse, Miss Poledance Champion, and Miss Poledance Champion trainer too, as well as an X-Pole rep, studio owner and carer. Her studio up in Chesterfield is a superb space to train in and it’s great for shooting too.
We decided to experiment with a dark backdrop look for the shoots this year for the student shoot so we set about setting up lights, struggling a little bit with the bright sunhine streaming in through the windows and illuminating the backdrop. Nothing some gaffer tape and yoga mats couldn’t fix!
After we were done shooting pole it was time to grab some shots of Liam Walker, Lorna’s awesome husband. He’s affectionately known as the Pole Daddy at the studio for the work he’s done in helping rebuild and support the club, but he also happens to be an arborealist extraordinare as well as a fantastic musician. Guitar and amps in tow, we used the same dark backdrop with a slightly different lighting setup to get some shots of Liam to help promote his material on social media, which you can find here as Liam Walker & The Nevison Gang.
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